Corona information for Kenya traveler answers the questions mostly asked by people travelling to Kenya during the pandemic. The corona pandemic situation in the world is fluid and constantly changing. This has necessitated governments to have policies and regulations in place to contain the spread of the corona virus.

The following information applies to Kenya and will be updated regularly as per the directions from the Kenya government.

  • For covid 19 statistics in Kenya, please visit this site
  • International and domestic air travel has resumed under the Kenya ministry of health guidelines.
  • Bars and restaurants currently must close by 9PM
  • Wearing of face mask is a requirement when in public. Anyone who disregards this rule will be arrested by the police and taken to court.
  • Places of worship have been opened gradually. Currently churches and mosques are allowed to host 1/3 of their sitting capacity. For weddings and funerals, the number of people permitted to attend is 200 and all must abide to the Kenya ministry of health protocols.
  • The schools are being opened in phases with some grades currently ongoing. The rest are planned to be opened in January 2021.
  • Only commercial trucks are currently allowed to cross at the inland border crossings. This are crossings on countries bordering Kenya
  • Currently there is curfew in place which starts 10 AM and ends at 4AM throughout the country.
  • Covid 19 testing is available at the major hospitals in Kenya. Cost is between $50 to $100. The results are out within 48 to 96 hours.


Corona virus requirements for travelers into Kenya

  • The passenger must not have a body temperature above 37.5°C (99.5°F)
  • The passenger does not have a persistent cough, difficulty breathing or other flu-like symptoms
  • The passenger must have a negative COVID-19 test certificate conducted within 96 hours of arrival. All age groups must be tested including infants.
  • The countries whose citizens are exempted from quarantine when they arrive in Kenya is contained in the Kenya Civil Aviation Authorities (KCAA) website. Use the link for the latest information published. However, in case an individual traveler has symptoms such as a fever that is above {37.5 oC /99.5 oF}, and other corona like symptoms, Port Health Services present at the airport will handle the traveler in accordance to public health protocols. Note: Countries above will be updated periodically.
  • Travelers coming to Kenya are required to fill a mandatory medical form before arrival in Nairobi, Kenya. In case this is not filled, passengers will be penalized. Use the link below to access it.
  • Masks are not provided for free and every traveler should purchase their owns masks.